Capping Works – Stage 2 at Ballyogan Landfill Site in Co. Dublin
Client: RPS Consultant Engineers
Contract Term: August 2008 - January 2010
Contract Value: €7.8 million
Key Project Elements
- Re-profiling of the surface to formation level & placement of agreed capping materials
- Excavation & regrading of waste
- Installation of 70no. perimeter gas collections wells
- Extension & Lining of twin 1,200mm diameter concrete culverts in the Ballyogan stream
- Placement of a barrier layer comprising of LLDPE liner 265,000m2
- Placement of drainage geocomposite 265,000m2
- Placement of 700mm subsoil layer 265,000m2 & processing c.200,000 of stockpiled subsoil on site
- Placement & seeding of 300mm topsoil layer over 265,000m2
- Installation of subsurface & surface drainage around the landfill
- Installation of leachate management system beneath the cap & at the toe of the slopes
- Installation of 1,700m of permanent anti-climb fencing along the site boundary